Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ponies, Ponies, Posy

My suggestion: Ponies, ponies, posy!

Ponies, ponies, posy
And the mop tee diddly dop
If the nerp tilly sop and plan milly crop
Then smirt de nerdily frop

Ponies, ponies, posy
But sal der mantag in bang
Why krumen sa tang or siggle urn sang
Have chut tol berfen sa kang

Ponies, ponies, posy
For the tuck ree samertal cruck
Will ratten fal puck and dorman sey huck
With tom bal fracken be druck

Ponies, ponies, posy
This rhyme will save you in time
It’s sweet as a lime and soft as a dime
And kills the ninetieth time

Your suggestion: sequential